My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Friday, January 27, 2006


Today was a very very very fun day. Butterflies populated the air like locusts during the ten plagues. The wind was blowing. The sky was blue, and we had ABSOLUTELY no requirements today. Feel the sarcasm, dearest.

*sigh* Yeah, when I got home, even my mom asked if something was wrong. Obvious, probably. STRESS!!! Friday, January 27, was rated 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being "I never want to go to school again", and 10 being "I wish the schoolyear woud never end." The score of today was likely influenced by our wonderful schedule, which included a mock longtest, the class pic, the math intersection eliminations, the filipino presentation, an english speech, bio homework and cotillion.

So. Cross dressing and having robert wear my uniform was very very strange. He looked a little bit like a girl, scary. Justin and Warner were also very convincing, but no one could beat Garrick. :P Haha. Pinoooooyyy... Our tanaga went down the drain in a burble of lines and mumbling, and I smiled and waved.

Right. Siiiiigh. Cotiliion. Dancing, dancing, jumping, oops. I, frankly, am not good moving gracefully, and would trade a pair of 3 1/2 inch heels for fluffy slippers anytime. Erik's better than I am, but it was amusing to watch the other people do the steps. *coughcough*jasper*coughcough*

stress + more stress + dancing = disoriented hannah who needs to channel everything into dear, old bloggie. So there. Aghh...

I'm going to change the skin. Soon! Seriously. Still on the lookout for the perfect one, though. ^_^ OH right. Happy Chinese New Year!


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