My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Adventure Day

Today I went to Pisay to pick up Jira. Mother dropped us off (she was rather annoyed) at Parks and Wildlife, where we walked around and talked to the guard and found water lilies. Bringing two samples, we trekked back to Pisay, through Quezon Ave. ^_^ Excercise! We dropped off the stuff at Pisay and rode the pedicab and the jeep to SM, where we bought rubber gloves and trashbags and waffles. And then I walked home. :D


Yesterday was a GOOD DAY~~ Mainly because I passed the Math Long test. :D Yay yay yay! I wore Paola's shiny turquoise headband (Jira's handiwork) and Tim took out his camera. We decorated the Inkwall, and then, upon finding that the CISD hadn't authorized our decoration, took everything off and stuffed it into Sir Joey's cubicle. Photos were abundant after.

CAT=rain. Water fell from the sky, and we were herded into the auditorium. And then water stopped falling, and we were herded back to the field. KJ is scary when herding. KJ grabs butts! 0_0 (I am so not going near her in the caf anymore.) Anyway, once the herding had commenced and everyone was seated at the grandstand, the COCCs began doing their..thing. And they graduated! Hooray for them. ^_^

After that, the scramble for Econ Homework took place, and Tim bought me chocolate milk and we ate and I went around looking for econ homework. Then Tim had to leave for Los Banos. =( Awww. Bye Tim! They'll be back on Sunday though. So then Erik popped up in all his pinkness and we talked. The endd.

(rule 1 was violated! rule 1 was violated!!! xD)


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