My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Perhaps a Part Will Stay

A recent phone conversation triggered a truckload of memories. Yes, the right question was asked: what was I thinking during those three days? It was a breath of fresh air, so to speak. Something to distract me from the thoughts swirling at the bottom of the floor back home.

The time I refused to tell Tim that I was going to miss him, before leaving for the States last year (I gave in at the end, of course.)

That phone conversation with KJ one surprising night. Of turtles, gifts, and other things that don't need to be mentioned. I miss her company, maybe. As I miss the company of a lot of people I don't get to talk to anymore.

And of course, that stubborn issue of the future. I guess my optimism has withered away somewhat, because of discouragement and things not being as they used to be. But hey, strip away optimism, and you still have dreams. Strip away dreams, and you have a bit of hope left. Take away that bit of hope, and all you have is...the love that was there first. Perhaps a part will stay.

(And sentimentality strikes again.)



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