My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Little Red Eyes

Movie review: Lady in the Water
Director: M. Night Shyamalan

The plot was spun out of a made-up bedtime story that the director told his kids. It revolves around a lonely man named Mr. Heep, the groundskeeper of a set of apartments, as well the Narf named Story, who comes out of the pool one day to search for "her human".

The story concept was good, and the characters, although a myriad of them, are fun. Lovely acting from Giamatti and the others, and I liked the way ordinary things were turned into something scary or magic. (The pool. The washing machine. The..grass.) And the scrunts were scary. 0_0 Also, while the story revolves around identity, there is another side message about arrogance. It kills. :D

There were too few 'scary' moments. Albeit not a horror film, it would have been good to balance out the movie's mellowness with more jolting, jump-out-of-your-seat things. But not too many, please. The twist at the end...was very surprising, and very puzzling. I wish we were given an explanation.

I like mushrooms. But there are just times when all pizza hut pizzas taste the same. :D


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