My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

An end to the drama

We took the Mapua exam in school today. I fell asleep for half of english and actually dreamt something. Lunch with Robert. We talked of things past and present, mostly about him. Erik was with me in the morning. He doesn't like almonds, and neither do I. (or mari and mithi, for that matter.)

A brief interlude of Project Runway followed, and after that, practice.

Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (here)
Mocha Chocalata ya ya (oh yea)
Creole lady Marmalade

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIEAN~ (and she flies into the cloudy sky, dangling by her multicolored balloons--)

James was depressed today. Chris is planning something. Llyza had a ballet recital. Ziella's little brother looks like her. Jerome has confidence. Reynard can knock down demons. And beware of Cyrus. x_x Hannah needs the X factor. Ate Dane IS the X factor.


...still wishing. no point in waiting.


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