My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Bring me the Moon

Father took this picture of the moon with my sister's telescope a year ago.

Edsa Day. I still haven't gotten around to translating my english poem into a filipino sonnet. As far as I'm concerned, it is one of the most horrible, uninspired, and extremely cheesy things I have written in the course of my entire life. But, due to the niceness of Robert, I don't have to translate anymore...just sonnetify it.

Dad's back from Singapore. Again. He brought chocolates, himself, and a bunch of other things, like...clothes. @_@ Isabella was rather energetic today, trying to escape a few more times than usual. Fun. I painted a cat with wings that was half asleep. What's up with cats, you ask? I have absolutely no idea. They're easy to draw, but unfortunately, I lack inspiration.

Street rallies. To commemorate Edsa Day? Violence doesn't seem very honoring. I watched a news report on TV, and everything seemes a lot less than the media hypes it up to be. Usual 'hakot' crowd, and stuff. 0_0. Nuff said.

So. With no school, the house was quite boring. Today I realized that I suck at expressing my feelings about love through poems (*cringe*) and therefore mustmust practice, if I ever want to become a half decent author someday. :D Which means more horror for the usual people I force to read my work. (hi tim.) Cy's armadillo poem put a picture in my head, of a woman who was the combination of Neil Gaiman's Delirium and the city of Los Angeles at night. Haha.
armadillo armadillo will they ever let me go? rainbow rainbow do they think I'm psycho?


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