My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Today is laaah!

Here is something I haven't done before. A full description post! Fed-up blog readers, cringe! ^_^

Ok, first, I woke up. The alarm clock rang at six, and I rolled over to turn it off. Then, the cellphone rang at 630. I ignored it. Until it rang three more times. So, I was up. Breakfast was corned beef and orange juice and rice and milk and egg.? And Uncle Dado and Auntie Mila ate as well. Mom was still asleep, and Dad took me to school. Earlier than usual. xD Yay for the car!

I arrived at school and went through the customary bagcheck and headed for the bio room, where people were doing physics homework. Which was mostly non-do-able. So we had Bio. Then Chem. And then we had Econ, in which Sir Vlad jumped on top of Mari's desk! Yay! And then Physics, which I choose not to remember. :D Viscomm time! I drew grapeshoes and vinestraps and passed it. Break! We had to sit at the frontfront benches because the children crowded up the tables. Oh well. After the customary picture care of Timothy (lunch today was tuna sandwich with tomato and lettuce and cheese.) we did NOTHING! Actually, we talked about how Harry Potter sucked, and how the writer of My Immortal was either a college student working on a psychology thesis or a sad person with the IQ of a cucumber.

Filipino! We had this game thing about Lam-ang. And Himbalik lost. Aww! And then after that we had some announcements and the Filipino practice! Yay! Llyza flew and Liean flew and Ziella flew and James sat on Jan Mikes' back and laughed crazily. And Ate Dane is the greatest. :D (and Chris is fat.) I was bored after that so I went down and dropped off my bag. And then I went to the library! And I drew some random people while sitting with Chris and Paola and Mari and Kristine and Karizz and stuff. I created a drawing of Mari, in color! And then I left the lib because it grew boring. I went to the back landing again and Jan Mikes said people were looking for me. So I went and tried to look for them. And I found Tim! By himself. At the front. Doing something. So we walkedwalkedwalked (x2 speed) and found no one. Not even Jess, so then my mom texted me that the van broke somewhere, so I had to hitch a ride. Tim! So now I owe him brownies by Monday. Foodfood. Actually, I might owe more than one person food on Monday! Oh no! But I have cooking skillz, no matter how burnt the food may appear! Mwahahaha!

I am not hyper. Seriously.


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