My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Giving is happiness in itself. =) [for me, at least. perhaps i'm a minimalist, and the details are too small and invisible to notice.]

-Quotes of the Day-
(brought to you by Boredom (tm) )

*blinkblink* quote:
"You're heavier than Shayne." - Tim (to Hannah)

drama quote:
"Listen to your heart, Hannah."- Jessica

eunice quote:
"Omg, you got that from, didn't you?"-Eunice to Jessica)

Jessica: Yahoo answers.

Hannah: *blink*

quote of near desperation:
"What should I do?? I should have planned a month in advance! omg i'm soo dead. It's Jean's birthday!"-Robert

paola quote:
"I hate sunburn. Look, my nose is peeling. I hate sunburn..."-Paola during bio

*evil laughter* - Jira


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