My Tiny House

Hannah has got nothing else to do. And so, with this in mind, she blogs.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

of nothing.

so here i am. at night. late at night. blogging. it's way past my sweet, sweet early bedtime but because of some stupid, evil, out-of-place, no-good, horrible and cunningly wrought filipino essay i have to stay up late, typing and typing and typing IN TAGALOG! (oh the horror) What a genius you are, Sir Santi, pure genius. But Chris is even more brilliant, because he translates for me. ^_^

*sigh* I complain too much. But it works. anyway, today we did stuff. in school. you know, the usual. but today, something was different. today, i PASSED A MATH LONG QUIZ! WITH A DECENT MARK! 25/30! ^_^ haha. that's my life, my happiness. you probably don't know that i suck at math, and passing is enough to send me skipping off somewhere nice. haha. sir tacuboy rocks. and for the first time, math does too. ^_^

i have yet to get a copy of the sisterhood of the travelling pants, and forsee major engjourn cramming in the near future. whoopee. my mind is running away. there are no highlights....can't believe ittt...

my dad is coming home. one day. ^_^. tito philip is james bond, and magnesium is the usual. funny, tin was being such an evil bully today. something to do with zy. hm. wonder what that's all about? i have no clue as to what is going on with all these rampant issues running around. hehe. mag, huh. funny little section.

oh yeah, today, someone caught my eye. won't tell who it is, though. i realized that *person* isn't all that *it* is cut out to be. -_- how sad. ohwell.


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